Friday, July 19, 2024

Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Malim Nawar

Salam. Satu lagi daripada lebih seminggu lalu.

Peace be upon you. One more from more than a week ago.

Petang Selasa 9 Julai 2024 saya ke Malim Nawar lalu singgah di masjid ini.
Tuesday afternoon 9th July 2024 I went to Malim Nawar and stopped by at this mosque.

Ia adalah masjid jamek Malim Nawar.
It is the main mosque of Malim Nawar.

Lihat ke dalam...
Looking inside...

Monday, July 15, 2024

Kolam bersiram puteri (Princess bathing pool), Teluk Bakong

Salam. Sesuatu daripada lebih seminggu lalu.
Peace be upon you. Something from more than a week ago.

Petang Ahad 7 Julai 2024 saya singgah di Teluk Bakong, Perak lalu ternampak tempat ini.
Sunday afternoon 7th July 2024 I stopped by at Teluk Bakong, Perak and saw this place.

Ia dinyatakan sebagai kolam bersiram puteri.
It is stated as the bathing pool of a princess.

Apa yang tinggal adalah bekas kolam yang sudah kering.
What remains is a dried up pool.

Letaknya berdekatan makam Sultan pertama Perak. Lihat artikel lama Rupa terbaru makam Sultan Muzaffar I Perak (Latest look of the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar I Perak).
It is situated close to the tomb of the first Sultan of Perak. Look at the old article Rupa terbaru makam Sultan Muzaffar I Perak (Latest look of the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar I Perak).