Thursday, May 15, 2008

Masjid (mosque of) Muhammadi, Kota Bahru, Kelantan...

Gambar-gambar sekitar masjid utama bandaraya Kota Bahru merangkap masjid negeri Kelantan ini diambil pada hari Jumaat 4 April 2008...
These pictures around the main mosque of the city of Kota Bahru which is also the Kelantan state mosque was taken on Friday 4th April 2008...

Masjid dan pondok (the mosque and hut of) Tok Kenali

Beberapa gambar sekitar masjid dan pondok wali Allah terkenal Tok Kenali di Kubang Pasu,Kota Bahru, Kelantan...
Some pictures around the mosque and hut of the venerable saint Tok Kenali di Kubang Pasu, Kota Bahru, Kelantan...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Kawasan permakaman diraja (royal mausoleum of) Kelantan, Langgar, Kota Bahru

Ini adalah kawasan permakaman diraja Kelantan untuk dinasti sekarang iaitu anak cucu keturunan Long Yunus yang menaiki takhta abad ke 18 Masihi...
This is the royal mausoleum of Kelantan for the current ruling dynasty whom are descendants of Long Yunus who came up the throne in the 18th century AD...

Makam (tomb of) Raja Abdullah, Kelantan...

Ini adalah gambar-gambar sekitar makam Raja Abdullah, suami watak legenda Puteri Saadong di Kelantan. Maaf jika saya tidak bercerita panjang. Saya sedang dalam mood "senyap"...
These are pictures around the tomb of Raja Abdullah, husband to the legendary figure of Puteri Saadong in Kelantan. Sorry if I don't elaborate more. I'm currently in "silent" mood...