Friday, July 18, 2008

Batu hidup di (The megalithic stones at) Pengkalan Kempas...

Ini adalah sedikit gambar terbaru batu-batu hidup di Pengkalan Kempas yang diambil hampir 3 minggu lalu. Cukuplah ia untuk mengisi posting ini, posting ke 151 di blogspot ini ya... Untuk melihat lebih banyak gambar di sana dengan cerita, sila baca artikel The megalithic stones of Pengkalan Kempas di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH yang dibuat 5 bulan lalu. Selamat malam! :]
Here are a few pictures of the megalithic stones in Pengkalan Kempas which was taken almost 3 weeks ago. This should be enough to fill this posting, the 151th posting in this blogspot ya... For more pictures there along with the story, please read the article The megalithic stones of Pengkalan Kempas in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH made 5 months ago. Good night! :]

Keramat Tanjung Tuan (The 'Keramat' of Tanjung Tuan)!

Posting ini boleh dikira sambungan dari artikel The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : On to the 'Keramat'... di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH . Mari! :]
This posting could be said to be the continuation to the article The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : On to the 'Keramat'... in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH . Come! :]

Pada satu bahagian Tanjung Tuan yang agak tersorok, terdapat batu besar ini...

At a rather hidden part of Tanjung Tuan, there lies this big rock...

Di atasnya terdapat satu 'artifak' yang agak menarik... Nampak tak?

On top of it is a quite interesting 'artifact'. Can you see it?

Tak nampak? Biar kita lihat lebih dekat... Agak-agak apakah ini?

Couldn't see? Let us have a closer look... Try take a guess what is this?

Dah dapat? Menurut cerita orang, lekuk di batu ini adalah bekas tapak kaki seseorang yang dianggap sakti dan keramat. Ada yang kata ia bekas tapak kaki pendekar legenda Melayu iaitu Hang Tuah! Sebab itu tempat ini dikenali sebagai Keramat Tanjung Tuan...

Got it? According to the stories, the depression on top the rock is what's left of a footstep of someone believed to be magical and miraculous. Some said it is the footstep left behind by the legendary Malay warrior Hang Tuah! That's why this place is also known as Keramat Tanjung Tuan (the miraculous place of Tanjung Tuan)...

Saya pula memasukkan kaki ke dalam untuk melihat apakah ia muat... Muat memang muat. Kalau betul ini adalah bekas tapak kaki orang, rasanya kaki itu memang lebih besar dari kaki saya!

Me on other hand put my foot inside to see if it fits. Yes, it does fit, perhaps not exactly but it does. If it's true that this is what's left of a human foot step, then I feel the feet must surely be much bigger than mine!

Di sebelahnya pula terdapat sebuah perigi dengan air yang agak sejuk lagi jernih!

Next to it is a well with rather cooling and fresh clean water!

Batu yang memiliki lekuk yang dikatakan bekas tapak kaki ini pula dianggap sebegitu keramat hingga ada orang yang datang ke sini meminta pelbagai perkara seperti nasib baik dan sebagainya. Biarlah... Itu mereka punya pasal. Sekian! :]

The rock with the depression said to be the footstep left by someone is considered to be so miraculous that some people come here to ask for so many things such as good luck and such. Let them be... That is their business. That's all! :]

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rumah api (the lighthouse of) Tanjung Tuan...

OK. Lagi di Negeri Sembilan. Mari...
OK. More in Negeri Sembilan. Come...

Selepas meninggalkan Kota Lukut, saya pergi ke tempat ini pula...

After leaving the fort of Lukut, I went to this place next...

Dipersembahkan, rumah api di Tanjung Tuan, Port Dickson...

Let me present the lighthouse of Tanjung Tuan, Port Dickson...

Batu informasi ini kurang terang. Biar saya bacakan sedikit yang dapat dilihat... Adapun rumah api ini adalah salah satu yang tertua di Malaysia... Ia dibina pada tahun 1860 untuk menggantikan bangunan asal yang musnah akibat perang 16 Masihi!

This information plaque is not so clear. Let me just read out (or rather type?) what can be read... As it is the lighthouse is among the oldest in Malaysia... It was built in the year 1860 to replace the original building which was destroyed in a battle in the 16th Century!

Tangga naik ke bangunan...

The staircase leading up to the building...

Tetapi rumah api ini terletak di dalam kawasan larangan...
But the lighthouse is situated inside a prohibited area...

Jadi biar kita lihat pandangan dari sisi...

So let us have a look at the views from the rear...

Lihat... Perairan Selat Melaka di hadapan. Oh, lupa nak beritahu. Tanjung Tuan juga dikenali sebagai Cape Rachado.

Look... The waters of the Straits of Melaka in front. Oh, forgot to mention. Tanjung Tuan is also known as Cape Rachado.

Dikatakan bahawa pada tahun 1606, di sini telah berlaku satu peperangan laut besar antara armada Belanda dengan armada Portugis...

It is said that in the year 1606, this area saw a big naval warfare between the Dutch armada against that of the Portuguese

Ia menyaksikan 4 buah kapal perang besar tenggelam termasuk kapal terkenal Belanda yang bernama Nassau. Maka itu ramai percaya di perairan ini terdapat banyak harta karun. Wallahualam. Sekian! :]

It saw 4 big warships sunken in battle including the famous Dutch ship named Nassau. And thus many believe in this waters like plenty of hidden treasure. God knows best. That's all! :]