Monday, July 13, 2009

Masjid India (the Indian mosque), Kuala Lumpur...

Ini pula adalah Masjid India di tengah bandaraya Kuala Lumpur...

This in turn is the Indian mosque in the middle of the city of Kuala Lumpur...

Ia dinamakan begitu kerana menjadi masjid tumpuan untuk masyarakat India Muslim di tengah bandaraya.
It is named thus because it is the mosque to congregate at for the Indian Muslim community in the middle of the city.

Malah seluruh kawasan berdekatannya turut dikenali sebagai Masjid India di mana terdapat ramai orang-orang India Muslim menjalankan perniagaan mereka.
In fact the whole surrounding area is known by the Malay words "Masjid India" where there are plenty of India Muslims holding their businesses.

Untuk pengetahuan, khutbah Jumaat di sini malah rata-rata ceramah agama dibuat dalam bahasa Urdhu, iaitu bahasa utama etnik India Muslim.
For information, the Friday sermon here and in fact almost all religious lectures are done in the Urdhu language, that is the main language of the Indian Muslim ethnic.

Masjid ini turut menjadi tumpuan orang untuk berehat. Dan banyak juga para pengikut gerakan Tabligh boleh ditemui berlegar di sini pada bila-bila masa. Adapun gerakan Tabligh sedunia bermarkas di India dan dipelopori para ulamak dari sana.
This mosque is also frequented by people taking rests. And one can find quite a number of Tabligh movement followers (an international Islamic missionary organisation) here at any time. As it is the world Tabligh movement has its centre of operation in India pioneered by religious masters from there.
Saya sendiri sudah banyak kali tumpang berehat dan tidur siang di sini. Tetapi baru kali ini tergerak untuk memaparkan masjid ini di blogspot ini.
I myself have many times took a rest or daytime nap here. But it is only now that I feel like featuring this mosque at my blogspot.

Apapun, tujuan utama saya datang ke masjid ini adalah untuk bersolat...

Whatever, the main reason for me coming to this mosque is to pray...

Ruang solat utama adalah di tingkat atas...
The main praying area is at the top floor...

Inilah ruang solatnya...
This is the prayer hall...

Mihrab. Untuk makluman ini adalah artikel ke 252 di sini. Sekian.
The front section. For the record this is the 252nd article here. That's all.

Masjid pekan Sepang (mosque of the small town of Sepang)

Kita tinggalkan sebentar tempat-tempat di Aceh...
Let us leave for a while places in Aceh...

Ini adalah masjid pekan Sepang...
This is the mosque of the small town of Sepang...

Menara masjid...
The mosque's tower...

Sisi kanan...
The right side...

Dewan solat ada di tingkat atas...
The praying hall is on the above floor...

Mari masuk ke dalam.
Let us go inside.

Inilah dewan solat utama.
This is the main praying hall.

Tempat solat wanita terletak di tepian atas.
The women's praying section is at the top sides.

Bahagian dalam kubah.
The dome's inner section.

Hiasan di hadapan agak menarik...
The decorations at the front are rather interesting...

The pulpit...

Mihrab. Cukup.
The front section. Enough.