Continued from Masjid lama (Old mosque of) Pengkalan Kakap.
Next we went to the Lembah (valley of) Bujang Archeology Museum in Merbok.
Masuk sebentar ke dalam bangunan utama muzium.
Entered the museum's main building for a while.
Model kawasan dan perairan berdekatan...
A model of the nearby area and waters...
Among the exhibits.
Peta lama Semenanjung lukisan seorang Barat.
An old map of the Peninsular drawn by a Westerner.
An old inscribed stone.
A similar inscription.
Namun barang pameran utama terletak di luar.
Still the main exhibits are situated outside.
Ada sebahagian diletakkan di tepi ini. Lihat artikel lama The ancient valley of Bujang in Merbok di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.
There's parts of it positioned at this side. Look at the old article The ancient valley of Bujang in Merbok in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.
Lebih menarik adalah apa yang terletak di atas berupa candi-candi lama.
What is more interesting is what is available upstairs in the form of old temples.