Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Kampung Parit Istana, Terachi. Di laman belakang masjid tadi terdapat pula bangunan masjid lama.
At the rear compound of the previous mosque in turn lies the building of the old mosque.
Walaupun ia sudah buruk dan tidak lagi digunakan saya rasa patut melihat ke dalam.
Although it is already worn down and not in use I feel I must look inside.
Kemudian saya diberitahu setiap satu daripada 4 tiang utama masjid ini dibuat dan diukir oleh 4 suku utama yang membentuk masyarakat tempatan.
Then I was told each of the 4 main pillars of the mosque was built and carved by the 4 main sub-ethnics which formed the local community.
Bahagian bawah bumbung tengah.
The section underneath the middle of the roof.