Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Masjid (Mosque of) Sungai Durian, Teluk Intan

Dari Lambor Kiri saya ke Sungai Durian di Teluk Intan lalu singgah di masjid ini.
From Lambor Kiri I went to Sungai Durian in Teluk Intan and stopped by at this mosque.

Di masjid ini baru saya dapat berehat panjat setelah melawat banyak tempat hari itu. Cukuplah ya.
At this mosque only I could take a long rest after having visited many places that day. Enough ya.

Makam (Tomb of) Laksamana Aceh, Lambor Kiri

Di Lambor Kiri juga terdapat makam lama ini.
In Lambor Kiri also exists this old tomb.

Ia dinyatakan sebagai makam Laksamana Aceh.
It is mentioned as the tomb of Laksamana (royal admiral of) Aceh.

Katanya Laksamana ini pernah bersama angkatan perang Aceh menyerang Perak tahun 1619 Masihi.
It is said this Laksamana was once with the Aceh war party attacking Perak in the year 1619 AD.

Walaupun Aceh menang Laksamana ini dikatakan terkorban lalu dimakamkan di sini.
Although Aceh won the Laksamana is said to be a casualty and was laid to rest here.

Kelihatan di sebelah dua buah makam yang turut berbatu nesan Aceh.
Seen besides are two tombs which also have Aceh gravestones.

Masjid (Mosque of) Al-Jabariah, Lambor Kiri

Dari Lambor Kanan saya ke Lambor Kiri lalu singgah di masjid ini.
From Lambor Kanan I went to Lambor Kiri and stopped by this mosque.

Namanya Masjid Al-Jabariah.
Its name is Masjid (mosque of) Al-Jabariah.

Masjid lama (Old mosque of) Lambor Kanan

Seterusnya saya singgah di masjid ini.
Next I stopped by at this mosque.

Ia adalah masjid lama Lambor Kanan. Kita lihat ke dalam...
It is the old mosque of Lambor Kanan. Let us look inside...

Makam Tok Sego Aceh di siang hari (Tomb of Tok Sego Aceh during daytime)

Assalamualaikum. Kita lihat tempat-tempat yang dilawati pada hari ke 6 pengembaraan solo saya bermotosikal besar penghujung bulan Ramadhan.
Peace be upon you. We have a look at the places visited on the 6th day of my big bike solo adventure at the end of the month of Ramadhan (Muslim fasting month).

Khamis 16 Ogos 2012. Saya membuat keputusan untuk melawat lagi makam Tok Sego Aceh.
Thursday 16th August. I made a decision to visit again the tomb of Tok Sego Aceh.

Lima hari lalu saya telah membuat artikel bertajuk Makam (Tomb of) Tok Sego Aceh berdasarkan lawatan ke sini pada hari ke 4 pengembaraan.
Five days ago I have made an article called Makam (Tomb of) Tok Sego Aceh based on the 4th day of the adventure.

Tetapi ketika itu saya sampai waktu senja. Sekarang baru dapat melihat dengan terang...
But at the time I arrived at dusk. Now only one could see it clearly...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Makam (Tomb of) Nakhoda Muhammad Taib

Sekitar 4.20 petang saya mengambil jalan menghala ke Damai Laut Resort. Di bahagian tertinggi jalan ada laluan naik ke puncak bukit.
Around 4.20 in the evening I took the road heading for the Damai Laut Resort. At the highest part of the road there is a path leading to the summit of the hill.

Di puncak terdapat sejumlah makam lama.
At the summit there lies a number of old tombs.

Ia adalah makam seorang pemimpin bernama Nakhoda Muhammad Taib dan keluarganya.
It is the tomb of a leader called Nakhoda (captain) Muhammad Taib and his family.

Menurut ceritanya beliau datang dari Batubara, Sumatera untuk membuka penempatan baru sekitar ini.
According to the stories he came from Batubra, Sumatera to open a new settlement around here.

Nakhoda Muhammad Taib diberi mandat oleh Sultan ke 23 Perak, Sultan Jaafar Muadzam Syah (memerintah 1857-1865) untuk memajukan Lumut. Beliau dan orang-orangnya berpusat di kuala Sungai Sepit. Lihat artikel Sepit river near its estuary.
Nakhoda Muhammad Taib was given mandate by the 23rd Sultan of Perak, Sultan Jaafar Muadzam Syah (ruled 1857-1865) to develop Lumut. He and his people is centred at the estuary of the Sepit river. Look at the old article Sepit river near its estuary.

Ketika itu Lumut menghadapi masalah lanun bermaharajalela. Nakhoda Muhammad Taib berjaya menghapuskan mereka lalu mendirikan pentadbiran yang dapat bertahan sehinggalah Lumut diambil-alih British selepas Perjanjian Pangkor 1874.
At the time Lumut was having problems of pirates holding sway. Nakhoda Muhammad Taib succeeded in eliminating them and set up an administration which could last until Lumut was taken over by the British after the Pangkor Treaty of 1874.

Masjid (Mosque of) Changkat Keruing

Dari Pantai Remis saya pergi ke pekan Changkat Keruing lalu singgah di masjidnya.
From Pantai Remis I went to the small town of Changkat Keruing and stopped by its mosque.

Mari lihat ke dalam...
Let us look inside...