Saturday, May 18, 2013

Puncak bukit (Summit of the hill of) Safa

Pada malamnya saya sampai ke Mekah lalu melakukan ibadah umrah. Di sini saya mahu menunjukkan tempat bernama Safa di mana ibadah sa'ei yang merupakan sebahagian rukun umrah dimulakan.
At night I arrived in Mecca and did the umrah (a pilgrimage act of worship). Here I want to show the place called Safa where the act of sa'ei which is a compulsory component of the umrah is started.

Safa sebenarnya merujuk kepada puncak Bukit Safa di mana isteri kepada Nabi Ibrahim, Siti Hajar pernah berdiri untuk mencari air buat anaknya, Nabi Ismail yang kehausan.
Safa actually refers to the summit of the hill of Safa where the wife to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), Siti Hajar (Hagar) once stood to look for water for his son, the Prophet Ismail (Ishmael) who was thirsty.

Dari sini beliau terlihat puncak sebuah lagi bukit yang bernama Marwah lalu meninjau antara kedua bukit itu. Dari perbuatan inilah timbul ibadah sa'ei yang memerlukan kita berjalan kaki berulang-alik 7 kali antara dua puncak bukit.
From here she saw the summit of another hill called the Marwah and thus surveyed between the two hills. It was from this behaviour that the act of sa'ei surfaced requiring us to walk to and fro 7 times between the summits of the hills.

Makam (Tomb of) Saidina Uthman

Sekitar 350 meter ke luar Masjid Nabawi iaitu di tengah tanah perkuburan Baqi' terdapat makam seorang lagi sahabat besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.
About 350 metres outside of Masjid (mosque of) Nabawi which is at the cente of Baqi' burial ground there exists the tomb of another main companion of Nabi (Prophet) Muhammad SAW.

Inilah makam Saidina Uthman.
This is it the tomb of Saidina Uthman. .

 Beliau adalah khalifah ketiga Islam.
He is the third caliph of Islam.

Makam (Tomb of) Nabi (Prophet) Muhammad SAW

Salam. Setelah beberapa lama saya terasa harus membuat satu artikel untuk makam Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Peace be upon you. After some time I feel like I have to make one article for the tomb of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Dalam Masjid Nabawi (rujuk Masjid (Mosque of) Nabawi) ada satu sudut yang selalu dijejaki orang.
In the Masjid (mosque of Masjid (Mosque of) Nabawi) Nabawi there is a corner ofter stepped on by people.

Kelihatan tiga buah panel tertutup.
Could be seen three closed panels.

Di belakang panel terutama di tengah terletak makam Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Behind the panels especially in the middle lies the tomb of Nabi (Prophet) Muhammad SAW.

Turut dimakamkan dalam kawasan yang sama adalah sahabat-sahabat besar baginda, Saidina Abu Bakar yang menjadi khalifah pertama Islam dan Saidina Umar, khalifah kedua.
Also laid to rest within the same area were his main companions, Saidina Abu Bakar who became the first caliph of Islam and Saidina Umar, the second caliph.

Namun orang ramai dilarang merapati panel. Untuk melihat lebih dekat saya harus ke satu bahagian lain masjid.
Still the people en large are prohibited from closing in on the panels. To have a closer look I have to go to a different section of the mosque.

Saya dapat melihat ke dalam tetapi ternyata makam-makam yang ada ditutup dengan kain selubung.
I could have a look inside but it is apparent the tombs available are covered up in shroud.