Friday, August 02, 2013

Makam (Tomb of) Pangeran Diponegoro

Assalamualaikum. Setelah beberapa lama masuklah kita pada hari terakhir perjalanan Bugis-Makassar 3-12 Mei.
Peace be upon you all. After some time then we enter the last day of the Bugis-Makassar trip 3-12 May.

Ahad 12 Mei 2013 kami masuk ke kota Makassar untuk melawat makam Pangeran Diponegoro.
Sunday 12th May 2013 we enter the city of Makassar to visit the tomb of Pangeran Diponegoro.

Dilahirkan 1785 di Yogyakarta beliau adalah anak sulung Sultan Hamengkubuwono III yang memerintah Yogya.
Born 1785 in Yogyakata he is the eldest son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III who ruled Yogya.

Namun apabila sultan mangkat 1821, adiknya berlainan ibu menaiki takhta dengan sokongan penjajah Belanda.
Still when the sultan passed away 1821, his younger half-brother ascended the throne with support of the Dutch colonialists.

Setelah beberapa lama beliau terlibat dengan perjuangan melawan Belanda. 
After some time he was involved in the fight against the Dutch.

Pasukan beliau selalu mengalahkan Belanda. Tetapi Diponegoro akhirnya tertawan 1830 lalu dipenjarakan di Makassar di mana beliau meninggal dunia 1855.
His team often beat the Dutch. But finally Diponegoro was captured 1830 and jailed in Makassar where he passed away 1855.

Makam isteri beliau...
His wife's tomb...