Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) UIA.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) UIA.
Di tenggara Kuala Lumpur iaitu di Taman Maluri terdapat masjid ini.
At the south-east of Kuala Lumpur that is at Taman Maluri there lies this mosque.
Ia dipanggil Masjid Ash-Shafie sempena nama Imam Shafie, salah seorang imam besar mazhab Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
The mosque is called Masjid (mosque of) Ash-Shafie after the name of Imam Shafie, one of the main imam (religious leader) of the mazhab (school of thought) under the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah (those that follow the way of the majority).