Friday, February 27, 2015

Masjid (Mosque of) Teungku Chik Maharaja Gurah

Sebelum hari gelap kami singgah di Masjid Teungku Chik Maharaja Gurah di Peukan Bada.
Before dark we stopped by Masjid (mosque of) Teungku Chik Maharaja Gurah at Peukan Bada.

Ia diberi nama sempena bangsawan yang pernah memerintah kawasan ini. Lihat Makam (Tomb of) Maharaja Gurah.
It is named after the noble who once ruled this area. Look at Makam (Tomb of) Maharaja Gurah.

Kubah Masjid Tsunami (Tsunami Mosque Dome), Peukan Bada

Kembali dari Ujong Pancu kami singgah di tempat ini.
Returning from Ujong Pancu we stopped by at this place.

Ada kubah masjid yang dihanyutkan air dari tempat asalnya beberapa kilometre daripada sini.
There is a dome of a mosque which got swept away by water from its original position a few kilometres from here.

Ini berlaku akibat ombak besar Tsunami yang melanda teruk Aceh 26 Disember 2004.
This happened because of the big waves of the Tsunami which badly affected Aceh 26th December 2004.

Kubah ini tercabut daripada atas bumbung masjid lalu dibawa 'menetap' ke sini.
The dome came off the roof of a mosque and was brought away to 'settle' here.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Makam Hamzah Fansuri dalam keadaan lebih terang (Tomb of Hamzah Fansuri in clearer condition)...

Bersambung daripada Masjid (Mosque of) Indrapurwa.

Saya ke Ujong Pancu kerana mahu menziarahi makam Sheikh Hamzah Fansuri di dalam hutan.
I went to Ujong Pancu to visit the tomb of Sheikh Hamzah Fansuri inside the jungle.

Saya pernah sampai sekali di sini 3 tahun lalu. Lihat Makam (Tomb of) Hamzah Fansuri.
I have arrived once here 3 years ago. Look at Makam (Tomb of) Hamzah Fansuri.

Cuma dahulu saya sampai waktu senja. 
It's just that previously I arrived at dusk. 

Kali ini saya sampai lebih awal, dalam keadaan terang...
This time I arrived much earlier, during bright condition...

Masjid (Mosque of) Indrapurwa

Bersambung daripada Makam (Tomb of) Maharaja Gurah.

Perjalanan diteruskan menghala ke Ujong Pancu lalu terlihat Masjid Indrapurwa.
Journey was continued towards Ujong Pancu where I saw the Masjid (mosque of) Indrapurwa.

Saya pernah lalu di hadapannya 2-3 kali. Baru kali ini tergerak untuk singgah dan masuk ke dalam...
I have passed in front of it 2-3 times. It was only this time that I felt moved to stop by and went inside...

Makam (Tomb of) Maharaja Gurah

Seterusnya saya bergerak ke timur menghala ke Peukan Bada lalu singgah di makam ini.
Next I moved on to the east heading towards Peukan Bada and stopped by at this tomb.

Ia milik seorang bangsawan Aceh yang dipanggil Maharaja Gurah.
It belongs to an Aceh noble who is called the Maharaja Gurah.

Katanya beliau adalah menteri yang menjaga hal-ehwal kehutanan dan haiwan.
It is said that he was a minister who was in charge of forestry and animal matters.

Maharaja Gurah juga diberikan kekuasaan untuk memerintah sebagai raja bawahan Kesultanan Aceh untuk wilayah sekitar...
Maharaja Gurah was also given power to rule as a minor king under the Kingdom of Aceh for the surrounding territory...

Makam-makam dengan batu nesan Aceh tak lengkap (Tombs with incomplete Aceh stones)

Bersambung daripada Makam (Tomb of) Meurah I.
Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Meurah I.

Petang sedikit saya dibawa ke satu kawasan pemakaman di barat Banda Aceh mendekati Lautan Hindi.
A bit in the afternoon I was brought to a tomb area at the west of Banda Aceh closing towards the Indian Ocean.

Di sini dapat dilihat batu-batu nesan Aceh yang tidak lengkap kerana tiada ukiran hiasan mahupun ayat-ayat berbahasa Arab seperti lazimnya pada batu nesan jenis ini.
Here could be seen Aceh tombstones which are incomplete as there are no decorative carvings nor verses in the Arab language which is often seen on these type of tombstones.

Kawan saya menunjukkan ini kerana beliau percaya di sekitar ini pernah terdapat satu tempat pembuatan batu nesan Aceh suatu masa dahulu.
My friend showed this as he believed around here there used to exists a place for making Aceh tombstones once upon a time.

Cuma ada sedikit sahaja batu nesan yang cukup sifat. Yang lainnya mungkin dipasang selepas tukang-tukang batu meninggalkan kawasan, boleh jadi disebabkan pencerobohan Belanda yang bermula di Aceh tahun 1873.
There are just a few tombstones which are complete in charater. There others could have been erected after the stone masons left the area, probably after invasion of the Dutch which started in Aceh in the year 1873.