Salam. Lagi perkongsian daripada perjalanan di Negeri Sembilan hujung minggu lalu.
Peace be upon you. More sharing from the trip in Negeri Sembilan last weekend.
Awal pagi Ahad 27 Mac 2022. Saya dan keluarga serta seorang kawan telah bermalam di masjid ini.
Early Sunday morning 27th March 2022. We and family along with a friend have spent the night at this mosque.
Ia dinyatakan sebagai Masjid Kampung Parit. Letaknya berdekatan bandar Kuala Pilah.
It is stated as Masjid (mosque of) Kampung Parit. It is located near the town of Kuala Pilah.
Namun ia lebih dikenali sebagai Masjid Ranjau Hantu kerana itulah nama lama kawasan yang lebih terkenal...
But it is better known as the mosque of Ranjau Hantu as that is the old name of the area which is more popular...
Masjid ini dibina pada tahun 1909 lalu telah berusia 113 tahun.
This mosque was built in the year 1909 and thus is now 113 years old.