Bersambung daripada Rupa baru makam (New look of the tombs of) Raja Beruas I.
Continuing from Rupa baru makam (New look of the tombs of) Raja Beruas I.
Wadah tambahan kepada blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" dan "Berpetualang ke Aceh", khusus untuk berkongsi pandangan mengenai seni Melayu terutama senibina lama. An extension to the blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" (Malay) and "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (English), specifically to share views on Malay art especially old architecture.
Bersambung daripada Rupa baru makam (New look of the tombs of) Raja Beruas I.
Continuing from Rupa baru makam (New look of the tombs of) Raja Beruas I.
Bersambung daripada Jumaat di Masjid Muhibbuddin (Friday at the Muhibuddin mosque).
Continuing from Jumaat di Masjid Muhibbuddin (Friday at the Muhibuddin mosque).
Salam. Cuma sesuatu daripada perjalanan laju pusing Perak hampir seminggu lalu.
Peace be upon you. Just somethings from a quick trip round to Perak almost a week ago.