Monday, July 31, 2023

Replika rumah Lat (Lat house replica)

Bersambung daripada Galeri Rumah Lat (Lat house gallery), Batu Gajah.

Continuing from Galeri Rumah Lat (Lat house gallery), Batu Gajah.

Di perkarangan galeri terdapat rumah ini.
Within the gallery compound lies this house.

Ia dinyatakan sebagai rumah Lat.
It is stated as the house of Lat.

Sebenarnya ia replika rumah tempat beliau lahir dan membesar lebih 70 tahun lalu, di satu lokasi lain sekitar 10 km jauh...
Actually it is the replica of the house he was born at and grew up more than 70 years ago, at a different location some 10 km away...

Galeri Rumah Lat (Lat house gallery), Batu Gajah

Salam. Sesuatu daripada perjalanan Perak 26-27 Julai baru ini.

Peace be upon you. Something from a trip to Perak 26-27 July recently.

Perjalanan dimulakan petang Rabu 26 Julai 2023 untuk satu urusan di Ipoh. Selesai urusan tengah hari Khamis 27 Julai lalu di Batu Gajah lalu teringat ada satu galeri baru dibuka di sana.
The trip was started Wednesday 26th Julai 2023 for a certain business in Ipoh. After the business was settled Thursday noon 27th July passed by Batu Gajah and remembered there is a gallery which was just opened there.

Dipanggil Galeri Rumah Lat (Lat house gallery) ia dedikasikan untuk kartunis terkenal tanah air Lat.
Called Galeri Rumah Lat (Lat house gallery) it is dedicated to the famous local cartoonist Lat.

Ada bahagian bagi menjejak perjalanan hidup beliau yang lahir tahun 1951...
There is a section for tracing his life journey since was born in the year 1951...

Terpapar lukisan-lukisan kartun beliau, ada yang dijadikan mural menghiasi dinding...
Laid out are his cartoon drawings, some turned into mural to decorated the walls...