Sunday, April 17, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Razali, Gua Musang

Lebih dekat ke pekan lama terdapat satu lagi masjid.

Closer to the old small town there exist one more mosque.

Namanya adalah Masjid Razali.

Its name is Masjid (mosque of) Razali.

Mari lihat lebih dekat.

Let us have a closer look.

Papan maklumat di atas pintu menyebut ia dibuka secara rasmi 1978.

The information board on top the door says it was officially opened 1978.

Dewan solat.

Praying hall.

Peliknya di barisan hadapan terdapat sebuah kotak.

Strangely at the front row there lies a box.

Ia adalah kotak penutup sebuah kubur. Difahamkan kubur ini sudah lama berada di sini dan masjid pula dibina sekelilingnya.

It is the cover box for a grave. It is understood this grave has existed long here and the mosque in turn was built around it.

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