Sunday, August 14, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Sultan Ahmad I, Kuantan

Assalamualaikum. Kita sambung penceritaan perjalananan ke Pantai Timur yang masuk hari ke 10...
Peace be upon you. We continue the storytelling on the trip of the East Coast which is entering the 10th day...

Perjalanan membawa kami ke bandar Kuantan di mana tersergam indah masjid besar ini.
The trip brought us to the town of Kuantan where proudly stands this beautiful big mosque.

Selamat datang ke Masjid Sultan Ahmad I, masjid negeri Pahang.
Welcome to the mosque of Sultan Ahmad I, the state mosque of Pahang.

Masjid ini dibuka 1994.
This mosque was opened in 1994.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us have a look inside.

Ada ruang terbuka di tengah.
There's an open area at the centre.

Masuk kembali ke dalam.
Going inside again.

Dewan utama solat.
Main praying hall.

Menarik adalah penggunaan kaca-kaca berwarna.
Interesting is the use of coloured glasses.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Section under the roof.

Front-most section.

Front-most section.

Satu pandangan ke belakang.
A look behind.

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