Friday, October 17, 2014

Candi (Temple of) Mendut

Beberapa jam kemudian sampailah masa untuk kembali ke arah Jogja. Jalan yang dilalui melepasi bangunan purba yang dipanggil Candi Mendut. Saya pun keluar kereta untuk melihat lebih dekat.
A few hours later came the time to return towards Jogja. The road taken passed by an ancient building called Candi (temple of) Mendut. I went out the car to have a closer look.

Seperti Candi Borobudur (lihat artikel lama Candi (Temple of) Borobudur) bangunannya juga masih tersergam megah.
Just like Candi Borobudur (look at the old article Candi (Temple of) Borobudur) the building still stands tall and proud.

Cuma ia tidak sebesar Borobudur...
It's just it is not as big as Borobudur...

Masuk ke dalam...
Going inside...

Ada 3 buah patung seperti bersidang.
There are 3 statues looking like having a meeting.

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