Thursday, June 04, 2015

Tempat Batu Bersurat Terengganu ditemui lebih 100 tahun lalu (Place where the Terengganu inscribed stone was found more than 100 years ago)

Adapun dipercayai sesetengah orang bahawa Sharif Muhammad adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menulis Batu Bersurat Terengganu yang terkenal itu 700 tahun lalu. Rujuk Memorial (of) Batu Bersurat Terengganu (the Terengganu inscribed stone). Batu itu pula ditemui di sekitar bangunan yang kelihatan ini,
As it is it is believed by some people that Sharif Muhammad was the person responsible for writing the famous Batu Bersurat (inscribed stone of) Terengganu 700 years ago. Refer to Memorial (of) Batu Bersurat Terengganu (the Terengganu inscribed stone). The stone in turn was found around the building here.

Suatu masa dahuli pernah berdiri sebuah surau lama di sini.
Once upon a time there used to be an old surau (small praying hall) here.

Batu itu ditemui di sungai berdekatan lalu dijadikan alas kaki tempat berwudhuk di hadapan surau. Ini adalah kerana ketika itu tiada siapa menyedari ada tulisan pada batu.
The stone was found at a close-by river and was made into a place for people to step on while taking abolution in front of the surau. This was because nobody realised there are inscriptions on the stone.

Setelah beberapa lama, setelah begitu banyak air wudhuk membersihkan kekotoran yang meliputi batu baru ada orang ternampak tulisannya. Ini berlaku akhir abad ke-19 Masihi. Ia pun dibawa kepada Sultan Terengganu kemudian diambil pihak muzium lalu dikenali sebagai Batu Bersurat Terengganu.
After some time, after so much water from abolution has cleaned up the dirt which covered the stone then only people could see the writings. This happened at the end of the 19th century. It is then brought to the Sultan of Terengganu then taken by the muzium authority and thus is known as the Batu Bersurat Terengganu.

Pondok buruk ini menandakan tempat batu itu pernah menjadi tempat alas kaki orang berwudhuk. Sayangnya ia kini tidak terjaga, ditinggalkan begitu sahaja...
This rundown hut marks the place where the stone used to lie as a place for people taking abolution to step on. Too bad it is now not taken care of, left around just like that..

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