Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Masjid ISTAC lama (Mosque of old ISTAC)

Bersambung daripada Dewan utama ISTAC lama (Old ISTAC main hall).

Continuing from  Dewan utama ISTAC lama (Old ISTAC main hall).

Bersambung dengan dewan utama adalah masjid ISTAC lama.

Attached to the main hall is the mosque of old ISTAC.

Begini rupanya dari perkarangan dalam.
This is its look from the inner compound.

Lihat ke dalam...
Looking inside...


Selalunya apabila masuk ke mana-mana masjid dan mengambil gambar saya akan turut mengambil satu sekitar mimbar. Entah kenapa kali ini terlupa. Jadi biar digantikan dengan gambar ini yang ada mimbar tetapi bertujuan untuk menunjukkan surah Al-Quran yang mahu dibaca selepas solat Zohor. 
Normally when entering any mosque and taking pictures I also took one around the pulpit area. Don't know why this time I've forgotten. So let it be replaced by this picture which shows the pulpit but meant to show the Quranic chapter I wanted to read after performing the Zohor (afternoon) prayers. 

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