Continued from Makam (tomb of) Mat Kilau...
Tidak jauh dari makam terdapat masjid jamek Pulau Tawar...
Not far from the tomb lies the main mosque of Pulau Tawar...
Rekabentuknya tidak seberapa, mungkin ia masjid baru yang dibina di atas tapak masjid lebih lama. Apapun, lokasinya di Pulau Tawar tempat pahlawan Mat Kilau menjadikan ia penting buat saya...
Its design is not so great, maybe it is a new mosque built on top the site of of an older mosque. Whatever, its location at Pulau Tawar the place of the warrior Mat Kilau made it important for me...
Maybe it is here that Mat Kilau deepens the religious studies that shaped up his warrior character...
Mungkin di sini juga beliau dan pahlawan Melayu lain berbincang strategi untuk menangani ancaman penjajah Inggeris!
Maybe here also he and other Malay warriors discussed strategies to handle the threat from the colonial English!
Rasanya ada semangat lama Melayu yang masih berlegar kuat di sini. Semoga semangat itu dapat terus berkembang untuk mengembalikan kekuatan sebenar Melayu yang tak habis-habis diancam. Sekian...
It felt like there's an old Malay spirit still lingering strong around here. Maybe the spirit will continue expanding to return back the true strength of the Malays which is often threatened non-stop. That's all...