Saturday, April 18, 2009

Asal-usul rumah Kutai di Perak (The origin of the rumah Kutai in Perak)

Assalamualaikum. Hari ini saya ada gerak bercerita yang sedikit berlainan. Mari! :]
Peace be upon you all. Today I have a slightly different 'movement' of storytelling. Come! :]

Ini adalah replika sebuah rumah Kutai yang terdapat di Kompleks Sejarah Pasir Salak, Perak...
This is the replika of a rumah Kutai (Kutai house) at the Pasir Salak Historical Complex, Perak...

Ini adalah replika sebuah lagi rumah Kutai di sana. Kedua-dua gambar di atas ini diambil daripada artikel Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak...Pasir Salak historical complex yang dibuat di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH tahun lepas. Papan-tanda di sana menyebut Rumah Kutai adalah rumah lama orang Perak. Gambar-gambar ini diambil dalam satu perjalanan menyusuri sejarah keliling Perak sambil membuat video.
This is the replika of another rumah Kutai there. Both picture were taken from the article Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak...Pasir Salak historical complex which was made in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH last year. The information boards there says the rumai Kutai is an olden house of the Perak people. These pictures were taken in a trip around Perak to follow its history while making a video.

Pembaca boleh melihat kembali apa yang telah disusuri melalui artikel-artikel bahasa Inggeris ini.
Readers could follow back what have been followed through these English articles.

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... Opening the 'act' at Tanjung Malim

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... Batak Rabit in Teluk Intan, a major ground where the story unfolds...

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... From the tomb of Keramat Kuala Bidor to that of Raja Ahmad...

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... From Kampung Gajah to Pasir Salak

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak...Pasir Salak historical complex

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak...Foraying into Beruas

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... The fort of Ngah Ibrahim

Exploring the happenings around the 1874 Pangkor Treaty in Perak... To Kuala Kangsar and 'beyond'

Atau anda boleh mengekori cerita yang sama melalui klip-klip video bahasa Melayu yang diletakkan di dalam blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU
Or you can follow the story through the Malay video clips which was featured in the blogspot

Teluk Intan dan masalah video yang sudah selesai!

Sultan Abdullah I, Laksamana Tok Janggut dan Tok Putih

Keramat Kuala Bidor

Masjid lama misteri, makam Sultan Abdul Malik dan kubur Birch - Petanda bandar Melayu yang hilang

Makam Raja Ahmad... Sekali lagi sampai waktu malam!

Sultan Jaafar dan Bandar Tua

Apa ada di Pasir Salak?

Beruas dan suasana misterinya

Ke Taiping untuk mendengar cerita di Kota Ngah Ibrahim

Menutup cerita di Bukit Chandan

Ini pula adalah gambar rumah Kutai yang baru ditemui tadi di . Kenapa saya sibuk mahu bercerita pasal rumah Kutai hari ini? Biarlah saya bercerita...
This in turn is a picture of rumah Kutai found just now at Why am I so obsessed in wanting to tell a story about the rumah Kutai today? Let me relate the story...

Semalam saya ada perjumpaan tak dirancang dengan beberapa orang. Mereka-mereka ini adalah saudara-mara yang baru saya kenali kebelakangan ini... kerana berasal dari keturunan sama yang menurut kajian saya ada menggabungkan darah kerabat diraja Aceh dengan kerabat diraja Bugis. Cuma seorang dari mereka seperti melebihkan kaitan Bugis mengatasi kesemuanya. Saya pula tetap percaya ada banyak lagi kaitan Aceh yang tersembunyi di sebalik salasilah besar yang ditunjukkannya walaupun setiap orang di dalamnya cuma memakai nama atau gelaran Bugis.
Last night I had an unscheduled and unplanned meeting with some people. These people are relatives which I came to know quite recently... because they all came from the same lineage which according to my research have combined the royal blood of Aceh to the royal blood of the Bugis people. Its just that one of them seemed to stress the Bugis connection too much that could put it out of proportion. Me on other hand still believes that there's a lot of Aceh connection behind the big chart of genealogical tree he showed although everyone inside has only Bugis names or titles.

Paling utama dalam perbincangan kami adalah identiti sebenar seorang raja besar dan pahlawan Bugis yang dikenali sebagai La Madukelleng. Identiti sebenarnya yang berkait rapat dengan seorang pahlawan Bugis abad ke 18 Masihi dipanggil Daeng Selili membuka satu kaitan dengan Perak yang cuba dirahsiakan pihak tertentu. Sebenarnya La Madukelleng dan Daeng Selili adalah orang yang sama. Melalui perbincangan itu, baru saya tahu kenapa rumah lama Perak dipanggil sebagai rumah Kutai!
The most important thing in our discussion is the real identity of a major Bugis king and warrior who is known as La Madukelleng. His real identity which is closely linked to an 18 century AD Bugis warrior called Daeng Selili opens up a link to Perak which certain quarters tried very hard to keep a secret. Actually La Madukelleng and Daeng Selili is the same person. From the discussion, then I only knew why the olden houses in Perak is called rumah Kutai!

La Madukelleng pernah meninggalkan Tanah Bugis untuk berkerajaan di Kalimantan. Baginda kemudian membuka penempatan baru di Kutai lalu menamakannya Samarinda. Cuma sejarah rasmi tidak menceritakan baginda pernah pergi ke Perak lalu menetap di sana. Sejarah sekadar menyebut tiba-tiba muncul seorang Raja Bugis dipanggil Daeng Selili. Lalu ia menyebut baginda menjadi ipar kepada sultan Perak ketika itu, Sultan Muzaffar Shah III dan turut menjadi pengawal peribadi baginda!
La Madukelleng once left the Bugis lands to start ruling in Kalimantan. His royal highness then opened up a new settlement in Kutai and named it Samarinda. Its just official history never tells the story that he have been to Perak where he stayed next. History just mentioned that suddenly one day there appeared a Bugis king called Daeng Selili. And it further mentioned he became the brother-in-law to the then sultan of Perak, Sultan Muzaffar Shah III and he also became the sultan's private bodyguard.

Sejarah Perak menyebut Daeng Selili dianugerahkan pangkat Datuk Maharajalela dan pangkat ini dipegang keturunannya turun temurun. Lebih seabad kemudian muncul Datuk Maharajalela yang sangat terkenal dalam sejarah Malaysia kerana berani melawan penjajah Inggeris lalu membunuh residen pertamanya J.W.W. Birch tahun 1875. Kisah ini berlaku di Pasir Salak dan Kompleks Bersejarah di sana didirikan untuk mengenangkan apa yang berlaku.
The history of Perak says that Daeng Selili was bestowed with the noble title of Datuk Maharajalela and the title is inherited by his descendants. More than a century later there appeared the Datuk Maharajalela who is very famous in Malaysian history for daring to fight against the English colonialists and killed their first resident J.W.W. Birch in the year 1875. This happened in Pasir Salak and the Historical Complex was erected there to commemorate what had happened.

Menurut cerita yang mengaitkan La Madukelleng dengan Daeng Selili, baginda telah membawa orang-orang dari Kutai untuk menetap di Perak. Maka berdirilah banyak rumah Kutai yang menjadi identiti unik Perak.
According to the story linking La Madukelleng and Daeng Selili, his majesty brought along the people of Kutai to settle in Perak. So that was when plenty of rumah Kutai were built to become a unique identity of Perak.

Tadi saya tergerak membuat google search menggunakan kata-kata kunci "Rumah Kutai" lalu terjumpa gambar ketiga di atas. Yang menarik, website yang mengandungi gambar itu didirikan oleh sebuah badan rasmi Sabah sedangkan saudara yang baru saya kenali semalam, yang kelihatan seperti melebihkan kaitan Bugis juga berasal dari negeri itu.
Earlier I was moved to make a google search using the keywords "Rumah Kutai" and thus found the third picture above. What is interesting, the website containing the picture was built and maintained by a formal body in Sabah while the relative I just got to know yesterday who looks like he stressed the Bugis connection too much also came from the state.

Lebih menarik lagi, di sebelah gambar itu tertera kata-kata ini: "Reka bentuk rumah Kutai di Perak sama seperti rumah di Aceh dan Makasar (yang terletak di dalam lingkungan dunia Bugis), Indonesia. Menurut sejarah, orang Bugis dan Aceh pernah menetap di Perak." Kenyataan ini seolah mahu menjawab persoalan saya mengenai kaitan Aceh dengan Bugis. Sekian... :]
What is more interesting is, besides the picture there are these words (which could be translated as): "The design and architecture of the rumah Kutai in Perak is the same as the houses in Aceh and Makasar (which is situated within the world of the Bugis), Indonesia. According to history, the Bugis people and those of Aceh have settled in Perak." It's like this statement wants to answer my queries regarding the Aceh and Bugis connection. That's all... :]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pejabat pos (post office of) Batu Arang

Hari ini biar saya letakkan sesuatu yang lain. Mari! :]
Today let me put something different. Come! :]

Minggu lepas, setelah menemani isteri pergi ke kelinik keluarga di pekan Batu Arang, isteri saya terasa mahu mengposkan sesuatu untuk anak-anak di Kelantan. Kami pun pergi ke pejabat pos pekan itu. Terus saya teruja...

Last week, after accompanying the wife to the family clinic at the small town of Batu Arang, my wife feels like she wants to post something to our kids in Kelantan. We then went to the town's post office. Immediately I became excited...

Sebenarnya inilah kali pertama saya sampai ke pejabat pos ini. Melihatkan bangunan kayunya, saya rasa amat tertarik. Saya tak ingat jika saya pernah pergi ke mana-mana pejabat pos di Malaysia yang memiliki bangunan sebegini.
Actually this is the first time I went to this post office. Looking at its wooden building, I felt very attracted. I can't remember if I have even been to any post office in Malaysia with such a building.

Seingat saya semua pejabat pos yang saya pernah pergi berbangunan batu. Sayangnya pejabat ini ditutup sehingga selepas waktu makan tengahari.
As far as I could remember all the post office I've ever been to are built on of concrete. Too bad, the post office was closed until lunchtime.

Apapun, pejabat ini ada juga bahagian yang dibuat daripada batu. Semasa sibuk mengambil gambar, datang seorang kakitangan bertanyakan apa yang saya buat. Setelah diberitahu, saya teruja dengan bangunan kayu pejabat pos ini, dia memberitahu di negeri Selangor masih ada sekurang-kurangnya 2 pejabat pos yang berbangunan sebegini. Katanya satu di Bukit Rotan, satu lagi saya sudah lupa. Sekian.
Whatever, this office also has parts build from concrete. While busy snapping pictures, came a post office staff asking what I was doing. After being told that I was excited at the office's wooden building, he told me that in the state of Selangor there are at least 2 post offices with such a building. He said one is in Bukit Rotan, the other I've forgotten where. That's all.