Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Kota Batu, pusat pemerintahan lama Brunei (the old ruling centre of Brunei)

Rabu 4 Ogos 2010 kami melihat tapak Kota Batu, pusat pemerintahan Brunei dahulukala.
Wednesday 4th August 2010 we went to see the site of Kota Batu (literally translated as the stone fort or stone city), the centre of rule for Brunei in the olden days.

Meliputi kawasan seluas 120 ekar, ia berfungsi dari abad ke 14 hingga 17 Masihi.

Covering an area of 120 acres, it functioned from the 14th century to 17th century AD.

Oleh kerana ia meliputi beberapa tempat bersejarah biar dijadikan beberapa artikel. Setakat ini dua telah ditulis, Makam (Tomb of) Sultan Syarif Ali dan Makam (Tomb of) Syarif Adam. Beberapa lagi artikel akan menyusul selepas ini.

As it covers a number of historical sites let it be turned into a number of articles. So far two have been written, Makam (Tomb of) Sultan Syarif Ali and Makam (Tomb of) Syarif Adam. A number of articles would follow after this.

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