Friday, February 11, 2011

Masjid negeri (State mosque of) Perlis, Arau

Seberang jalan dari istana Arau terdapat masjid negeri Perlis.
Across the road from the palace of Arau lies the state mosque of Perlis.

Seperti istana ia adalah bangunan utama di bandar kecil Arau.
Just like the palace it is also a main building in the small town of Arau.

Menara dan kubah masjid.
The tower and dome of the mosque.

Pintu masuk utama.
Main entrance.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us look inside.

Serambi belakang.
Rear verandah.

Menghampiri dewan utama.
Closing in on the main hall.

Dewan utama solat.
Main praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Area under the dome.

Front-most section.

The pulpit.

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