Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Gunong, Bachok

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Padang Halban, Peringat.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Padang Halban, Peringat.

Perjalanan seterusnya membawa kami ke tempat bernama Gunong di Bachok.
The journey next brought us to a place called Gunong in Bachok.

Singgah di masjidnya yang kelihatan agak pelik tetapi cantik.
Stopped by at its mosque which looks rather weird but beautiful.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us look inside.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Section under the dome.

Mihrab dan mimbar.
Front-most section and the pulpit.

Pemandangan ke luar. Kelihatan bukit yang menimbulkan nama Gunong.
The view outside. Could be seen the hill which gave rise to the name Gunong (Gunong is an old spelling for the word gunung which means mountain).

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