Thursday, August 25, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Muhammadi, Angkasapuri

OK. Keluar sebentar dari tempat-tempat di Pantai Timur.
OK. Going out a while from places in the East Coast.

Awal bulan Ogos saya pergi ke Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur setelah 4 tahun tidak menjejakkan kaki ke sana lalu mendapati telah berdiri sebuah masjid baru.
Early in the month of August I went to Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur after 4 years not stepping foot there and found a new mosque standing.

Namanya Masjid Muhammadi dan reka bentuknya agak menarik.
Its name is Masjid (mosque of) Muhammadi and its design is rather attractive.

Menara masjid.
The mosque's call to prayer tower.

The dome.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us look inside.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Area under the dome.

Front-most section.

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