Thursday, August 18, 2011

Surau comel di Tanjung Lumpur (A cute small praying hall at Tanjung Lumpur)

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Sultan Ahmad I, Kuantan. Tadi baru saya sedar ia adalah artikel ke 696 di blogspot ini.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Sultan Ahmad I, Kuantan. Just now only did I realised that article is the 696th in this blogspot.

Seberang Sungai Kuantan dari bandar Kuantan adalah tempat bernama Tanjung Lumpur di mana saya terlihat surau comel ini.
Across the river of Kuantan from the town of Kuantan is a place called Tanjung Lumpur where I saw this cute small praying hall.

Saya pun pergi melihat lebih dekat.
I then went for a closer look.

Masuk ke dalam.
Going inside.

Kawasan solat.
Praying area.

Front-most section.

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