Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Al-Ghaffar, Jasin

Keluar sedikit dari bandar Jasin menghala ke bandaraya Melaka kelihatan masjid besar yang dipanggil Masjid Al-Ghaffar.
Going out a bit from the town of Jasin heading towards the city of Melaka could be seen a large mosque called Masjid Al-Ghaffar.

Kalau tak salah ia adalah masjid daerah Jasin.
If not mistaken it is the district mosque of Jasin.

Menara azan masjid.
The mosque's minaret.

Bumbung tengah.
Centre roof.

Masjid ini terasa seperti kuat dipengaruhi senibina Cina. Ini mengingatkan pada 'Masjid Beijing' di Rantau Panjang, Kelantan. Lihat artikel Masjid Beijing (The Beijing Mosque) yang dibuat 5 bulan lalu.
The mosque feels like it is strongly influenced by Chinese architecture. This reminds one of the 'Beijing mosque' in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan. Look at the article Masjid Beijing (The Beijing Mosque) made 5 months ago.

Masuk ke dalam.
Going inside.

Masjid ini dibina tahun 2007.
This mosque was built in the year 2007.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah bumbung tengah.
Section under the middle roof.

Front-most section.

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