Tahun Islam yang tertera menunjukkan ia dibina sekitar 1935 Masihi.
The Islamic year inscribed shows it was built around 1935 AD.
Let us have a closer look.
Wadah tambahan kepada blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" dan "Berpetualang ke Aceh", khusus untuk berkongsi pandangan mengenai seni Melayu terutama senibina lama. An extension to the blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" (Malay) and "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (English), specifically to share views on Malay art especially old architecture.
Tahun Islam yang tertera menunjukkan ia dibina sekitar 1935 Masihi.
The Islamic year inscribed shows it was built around 1935 AD.
Di tengah kota terdapat bangunan ini.
In the middle of the fort there lies this building.
Pada beberapa sudut bumbung kelihatan ukiran yang saya suka panggil panggil lidah terjulur.
At a number of corners of the roof could be seen carvings which I like to call tounges coming out.
I then had a closer look and went inside.
Rupa-rupanya inilah Muzium Kota Kuala Kedah.
As it turned out this is it the museum of the fort of Kuala Kedah.
Di dalamnya terdapat banyak maklumat tentang kota. Bacalah sendiri ya. Anda boleh membukanya di windows baru...
Inside it there are plenty of information on the fort. Read it yourself ya. You could open it in new windows...