Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Tok Pasai.

From the tomb we went up a bridge to cross the Kedah river to the fort of Kuala Kedah.
Kota ini asalnya dibina 400 tahun lalu tetapi musnah akibat perang. Bangunan kota yang ada sekarang didirikan sekitar 1780 Masihi.
This fort was originally built 400 years but was destroyed because of war. The current fort building was built around 1780 AD.
Pandangan ke kiri dari tempat kami masuk.
A look to the left from the place where we entered.
A look to the right.
Ia menghala le selatan di mana terdapat pekan Kuala Kedah di seberang Sungai Kedah.
It is headed towards the south where lies the small town of Kuala Kedah across the Kedah river.
Salah sebuah meriam yang menghadap ke sungai.
One of the cannons facing the river.
Bahagian kota yang selari dengan sungai.
Part of the fort which is parallel to the river.
The south-east corner of the fort.
Dari situ saya naik kembali ke utara.
From there I returned back to the north.
Dinding timur kota ini selari dengan sebuah sungai kecil.
The eastern wall of this fort runs parallel to a small river.
Sampai ke satu bahagian ada semacam menara.
Upon reaching one section there is a sort of tower.
Pemandangan kawasan kota dari atas menara.
View of the fort from on top the tower.
Turun ke bawah saya meneruskan perjalanan ke utara.
Going down I continued the walk to the north.
Kelihatan sebuah pintu gerbang.
There appears a main gate.

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