Thursday, April 26, 2012

Masjid Kayu (Wooden mosque of) Seberang Jerteh

Masuk hari ke 4 perjalanan ke Pantai Timur 26 Mac-4 April 2012...
Entering the 4th day of the trip to the East Coast 26 March-4 April 2012...

Khamis 29 Mac kami berada di Jerteh, Terengganu lalu singgah di masjid ini.
Thursday 29th March we were in Jerteh, Terengganu and stopped by this mosque.

Dipanggil Masjid Kayu Seberang Jerteh ia adalah masjid moden yang dibuat menggunakan ilmu pertukangan lama.
Called Masjid Kayu (wooden mosque of) Seberang Jerteh it is a modern mosque built using old knowledge of carpentry.

Dahulu di lokasi ini ada masjid batu yang lebih tua. Lihat artikel lama Masjid Seberang Jerteh baru dan lama (Mosques of Seberang Jerteh old and new).
Before at this location there is a concrete mosque which is much older. Look at the old article Masjid Seberang Jerteh baru dan lama (Mosques of Seberang Jerteh old and new).

Nampaknya masjid lama telah diruntuhkan terus setelah yang baru siap.
Looks like the old mosque has been completely demolished after the new one was completed.

Masjid baru ini dirasmikan 24 Februari 2012.
This new mosque was officiated 24th February 2012.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us look inside.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian tengah bumbung...
The middle section of the roof...

Front-most section.

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