Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Masjid (Mosque of) Kudus

Bersambung dari Makam (Tomb of) Sunan Muria. Masuklah artikel ke 1,000 di blogspot ini.
Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Sunan Muria. Thus enters the 1,000 article in this blogspot.

Dari Gunung Muria kami beralih ke kota Kudus di mana terdapat bangunan ini.
From Gunung (mount) Muria we moved on to the town of Kudus where lies this building.

Dipanggil Menara Kudus ia adalah sebahagian daripada kompleks Masjid Kudus.
Called the Menara (tower of) Kudus it is part of the complex of Masjid (mosque of) Kudus.

Masjid ini menggabungkan seni bina kerajaan lama Majapahit dengan Arab/Timur Tengah.
This mosque combines the architecture of old Majapahit kingdom and Arab/Middle East.

Oleh kerana dewan solat berkunci cukuplah melihat keadaan di serambi...
As the praying hall was locked it should be enough looking at the condition at the verandahs...

1 comment:

  1. sayang betul laa sebab gambarnya diambil di waktu mlm,gelap. . kerana ini artikel genap ke 1000 !
