Friday, May 24, 2013

Masjid Jin (Mosque of the Djinns)

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Jiranah.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Jiranah.

Hampir waktu senja saya dan isteri berjalan kaki sekitar 1 km ke utara Masjidil Haram untuk ke sebuah masjid lain.
Almost dusk me and wife walked for around 1 km to the north of the Masjidil Haram (holy mosque of Mecca) to get to another mosque.

Menariknya ia dipanggil Masjid Jin, merujuk pada makhluk halus jin...
Interestingly it is called the Masjid Jin (mosque of Djinns), referring to the invisible creatures djinn (or genies)...

Katanya Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah membaca ayat-ayat Al-Quran di sini lalu didengari sekumpulan jin.
It is said Prophet Muhammad SAW once recited some Quranic verses here and this was heard by a group of djinns.

Jin-jin itu tertarik dengan bacaan lalu memilik untuk memeluk Islam.
The djinns were attracted by the recital and decided to embrace Islam.

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