Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Makam (Tomb of) Wan Muhammad Saleh al-Fathani

Kembali ke jalan besar, terdapat bangunan makam ini di tepi jalan...
Returning to the main road, there is this tomb building besides the road...

Papan tanda menyebut ia makam Wan Muhd (singkatan untuk Muhammad) Saleh al-Fathani, meninggal dunia sekitar 1870.
The signboard mentioned it as tomb of Wan Muhd (short form for Muhammad) Saleh al-Fathani, passed away around 1870.

Saya tidak tahu siapakah beliau. Nampaknya beliau seorang tokoh besar. Kita lihat ke dalam...
I don't know who is he. Looks like he is a significant figure. Let us have a look inside...

Ini harus makam beliau.
This should be his tomb.

Yang lain mungkin makam ahli keluarga...
The others could be tombs of family members...


  1. Pls call me at 0123105266 to discuss about your interest

  2. Dato' Wan Mohamad Saleh(me) Bin Wan Mahmood bin Wan Wan Ishak Bin Wan Abdul Rahman Bin Wan Abdullah (Tuan) Bin Wan Mohamad Saleh(Makam) Bin Wan Abdul Rahman(that's the last ancestor we could track. I am reachable at penasihat@gmail.com.

    1. Assalamualaikum Dato, Saya Yusuf . Mohon bertanya sedikit latar belakang Syeikh Muhd Salleh .
