Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rupa terbaru batu peringatan Raja Ahmad (Latest look of commemorative stone of Raja Ahmad)

Bergerak lebih jauh ke selatan saya singgah ke bangunan ini.
Moving further south I stopped by this building.

Apa yang terdapat di sini sudah diceritakan agak panjang lebar pada artikel Makam (Tomb of) Raja Ahmad 5 tahun lalu.
What is available here has been told in quite some detail in the article Makam (Tomb of) Raja Ahmad made 5 years ago.

Di sini saya sekadar mahu menunjukkan keadaan terbaru tempat ini.
Here I just wanted to show the latest condition of this place.

Secara rata bangunan dan batu yang terdapat di dalamnya serupa seperti 5 tahun lalu.
Overall the building and the stone inside it look just the same as of 5 years ago.

Cuma kawasan persekitaran sahaja lebih lapang sehingga boleh kelihatan Sungai Perak daripada dalam bangunan.
It's just the surroundings were much clearer such that one could see the Perak river from inside the building...

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