Bersambung daripada Istana batu (Brick palace of) Phattalung.
Continuing from Istana batu (Brick palace of) Phattalung.
Sekitar 300 meter menghala ke bandar Phattalung kelihatan tugu ini.
Around 300 metres towards the town of Phattalung could be seen this monument.
Ia didedikasikan kepada Phra Ya Phattalung Khang Helk, seorang pemerintah Phattalung.
It is dedicated to Phra Ya Phattalung Khang Helk, a ruler of Phattalung.
Di belakangnya ada bangunan-bangunan ini.
Behind it there are these buildings.
Ia termasuk dalam kompleks kuil Wat Wang.
It is included in the tomb complex of Wat Wang.
Kalau tak salah di sinilah para pemerintah Phattalung menyatakan kesetiaan terhadap raja Siam.
If not mistaken this is where the rulers of Phattalung gave their allegiance to the kings of Siam.