Monday, July 15, 2024

Kolam bersiram puteri (Princess bathing pool), Teluk Bakong

Salam. Sesuatu daripada lebih seminggu lalu.
Peace be upon you. Something from more than a week ago.

Petang Ahad 7 Julai 2024 saya singgah di Teluk Bakong, Perak lalu ternampak tempat ini.
Sunday afternoon 7th July 2024 I stopped by at Teluk Bakong, Perak and saw this place.

Ia dinyatakan sebagai kolam bersiram puteri.
It is stated as the bathing pool of a princess.

Apa yang tinggal adalah bekas kolam yang sudah kering.
What remains is a dried up pool.

Letaknya berdekatan makam Sultan pertama Perak. Lihat artikel lama Rupa terbaru makam Sultan Muzaffar I Perak (Latest look of the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar I Perak).
It is situated close to the tomb of the first Sultan of Perak. Look at the old article Rupa terbaru makam Sultan Muzaffar I Perak (Latest look of the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar I Perak).

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