Saturday, April 09, 2011

Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Shamsuddin Sumatrani

Bersambung dari Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Ismail, Pulau Besar, Melaka.

Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Ismail, Pulau Besar, Melaka.

Satu lagi makam yang selalu diziarahi tetapi baru kini saya sedar belum dibuat artikel di blogspot ini adalah makam Sheikh Shamsuddin Sumatrani.

One more tomb which I've often visited but only now did I realised an article on it hasn't been made in this blogspot is the tomb of Sheikh Shamsuddin Sumatrani.

Beliau adalah seorang ulamak besar Aceh tetapi meninggal dunia di Melaka apabila Aceh menyerang kedudukan Portugis di sini 1629 Masihi.

He is a major religious master in Aceh but passed away in Melaka when Aceh attacked the position of the Portuguese here 1629 AD.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I don't know that visiting tombs, seeking Ziyarat and Sufism are still alive and well in this Wahabbis country.....i hope that Muslim in this country could appreciate the history and the santity of these graves like yourself without pointing fingers and declare everything is syirik and blasphemous.
