Monday, October 31, 2011

Makam (Tomb of) Long Jaafar

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Bukit Gantang.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Bukit Gantang.

Masjid Bukit Gantang sudah cukup dekat untuk ke makam Long Jaafar.
The mosque of Bukit Gantang is already close enough to the tomb of Long Jaafar.

Long Jaafar yang meninggal dunia 1858 dikatakan orang yang mula sekali mengusahakan perlombongan bijih timah di daerah Larut, daerah yang kemudian menyaksikan pembukaan dan kenaikan bandar Taiping.
Long Jaafar who died in 1858 is said to be the earliest man to conduct mining of tin in the district of Larut, a district which then saw the opening and rise of the town of Taiping.

Di dalam kawasan ini terdapat sejumlah makam milik ahli keluarga Long Jaafar.
In this area there exists a number of tombs belonging to family members of Long Jaafar.

Makam Long Jaafar sendiri terletak di tengah dan batu nesannya tinggal satu.
The tomb of Long Jaafar itself is situated in the middle and it is left with one tombstone.

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