Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rumah Budaya (Culture house of) Banda Aceh

Hari ke-6 perjalanan di Aceh 13-19 Feb...
The 6th day of the trip in Aceh 13-19 Feb...

Pagi Rabu 18 Februari 2015. Saya dibawa ke sebuah bangunan putih yang nampaknya satu tinggalan zaman pendudukan Belanda.
Wednesday morning 18th February 2015. I was brought to a white building which looks like a remnant from the Dutch occupation times.

Saya difahamkan ia baru dijadikan Rumah Budaya Banda Aceh.
I am made to understand that it has just recently been turned into Rumah Budaya (culture house of) Banda Aceh.

Satu acara mahu diadakan di mana saya akan berkongsi ilmu tentang kaitan Aceh dengan Malaysia.
An event was about to be staged where I would share some knowledge on the relationship of Aceh with Malaysia.

Sebahagian barangan yang ada di tempat ini...
Some of the stuffs available at this place...

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