Thursday, March 05, 2015

Rumah (House of) Teungku Chik di Reubee

Ini pula adalah rumah bangsawan yang dipanggil Teungku Chik di Reubee.
This in turn is house of the noble called Teungku Chik di Reubee.

Ia adalah gelaran untuk ulamak utama di daerah ini suatu masa dahulu.
It is the title of the main religious master of this district once upon a time.

Saya diberitahu di sinilah ulamak besar berdarah raja bernama Daeng Mansur pernah menetap 400 tahun lalu. Rujuk artikel lama Makam (Tomb of) Teungku Chik di Reubee Daeng Mansur.
I was told this is where the major religious master of royal blood called Daeng Mansur used to stay at 400 years ago. Refer to the old article Makam (Tomb of) Teungku Chik di Reubee Daeng Mansur.

Cuma bangunan asal telah digantikan dengan binaan sekarang yang berusia sekitar 100 tahun. Sukacita dimaklumkan artikel ini menjadi yang ke 1,400 di blogspot ini.
It's just that the original building has been replaced by the present one which is around 100 years old. Pleased to announce that this article becomes the 1,400th in this blogspot.

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