Untuk makluman, inilah replika istana Raja Melewar...
For information, this is the replica of Raja Melewar's palace...
Sedikit maklumat tentang Raja Melewar dan istana ini...
Some information on Raja Melewar and this palace...
Di halamannya terdapat batu-batu ini...
In the courtyard are these stones...
Batu apakah ia? Sila baca maklumat yang tertera.
What stones are these? Please read the information shown.
Sampai masa untuk masuk ke dalam...
Come the time to go inside...
Di hujung kiri terletak replika singgahsana...
On the far left is this replica of the throne...
Ini pula informasi mengenai asal-usul nama daerah Rembau, daerah di mana istana ini terletak. Maaf ia kurang terang. Cukuplah diberitahu menurutnya, nama Rembau berasal dari sebatang pokok Merbau gergasi setinggi empat kali pohon kelapa dengan pangkal boleh dililiti tempat makan untuk 32 orang! Ia terpaksa ditumbangkan sebelum tahun 1540 Masihi setelah kawasan ini maju menjadi penempatan. Takut tiba-tiba ia tumbang sendiri tanpa kawalan.
This in turn is the information on the origin of the name of the district Rembau, the district where the palace is located at. Too bad it is not so clear. Enough if said, the name Rembau originated from a giant Merbau tree (sorry, I don't know the English equivalent) said to be as tall as four coconut trees with the base circumference equivalent to dining arrangement for 32 people! It had to be cut down before the year 1540 AD after the area has flourished as a settlement. For fear that the tree should suddenly fall down without control.
Rasanya ini pula replika tempat persandingan pengantin...
I think this is the replica of a wedding couple's pedestal...
Saya tak ingat langsung ini untuk apa...
I can't remember at all what is this for...
Ini pula adalah carta laluan Raja Melewar masuk ke Negeri Sembilan...
This is a chart of Raja Melewar's route on his journey to enter Negeri Sembilan...
Kemudian sampai masa untuk pergi ke bahagian lain replika istana merangkap muzium ini, melalui satu pintu yang awalnya saya sangkakan cermin!
Then came the time for me to go to another section of this palace replica cum museum, through a door which I initially thought was a mirror!
Di tepinya terdapat notis mengatakan pintu hadapan dan pintu ini berusia hampir 100 tahun, disumbang oleh Puan Zainab binti Adam dari Kampung Nerasau, Rembau.
At one side is a notice saying the front door and this door is almost 100 years old, donated by a certain Puan (as in a married lady) Zainab binti (daughter of) Adam from the village of Kampung Nerasau, Rembau.
Senjata lama yang terdapat di bahagian itu...
Old weapons shown at the other section...
Pictures of old tombs...
Makam-makam lama ini milik pemerintah tradisional daerah Rembau yang bergelar Datuk Lela Maharaja!
The old tombs belong to the traditional rulers of the district of Rembau known by the title Datuk Lela Maharaja!
Makam Datuk Lela Maharaja yang hidup pertengahan abad ke 16. Tamat...
The tomb of the first Datuk Lela Maharaja who lived in the middle of the 16th Century. Finished...
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