OK. We jump for a short while to Melaka. I believe all Malaysian citizens have heard the name of a place there called Masjid Tanah. But do you know where or how did that name came about or originated? Come...
Di tengah pekan Masjid Tanah, kelihatan masjid ini...
Right in the middle of the small town of Masjid Tanah, one could see this mosque...
Masjid lama ini dikatakan dibina tahun 1900an...
This old mosque is said to have been built in the 1900an...
Rekabentuknya serupa kebanyakan masjid lama di Melaka...
Its design and architecture is similar to most old mosque in Melaka...
Apapun inilah kawasan kolah tempat mengambil wuduk.
Whatever this is the pool for making abulation.
The hall for prayers...
An interesting ceiling design...
Pada satu dinding terdapat kesan tinggalan masjid asal yang dibuat daripada tanah. Inilah asal-usul nama Masjid Tanah!
At one wall there exist a bit of the remains of the old original mosque built from clay. This is the origin of the name Masjid Tanah (literally translated as the clay mosque)!
A look at the front part of the hall...
Tempat imam bersolat ini kelihatan begitu menenangkan!
This place for the imam (leader of the prayer congregation) looks so calming!
Di sisi kiri luar masjid pula terdapat sebuah makam terserlah, katanya milik seorang ulamak dari Gujerat, India...
At the left side of the mosque outside there lies a tomb which stands out, said to belong to a religious scholar from Gujerat, India...
Di hadapan masjid terdapat beberapa buah kubur...
In front of the mosque there exist some graves...
Satu pandangan sisi masjid. Sekian...
A look from the sides of the mosque. That's all...
Askm,thanks for writing about the origin of the name Masjid Tanah...perhaps you could talk to som eof the descendents of the person who was said to have built the mosque...
ReplyDeleteWassalam. If it is necessary n God guides me to it, it will happen in time. Everything is Insyaallah...
ReplyDeleteaskm,slmt ari rye sya ucpkn,
ReplyDeletesye mntk izin ambik maklumat kay,
arp hllkn ye mklmat yg sye ambik niiiiii....slmt ari rye
Orang-orang yang menyiapkan Masjid ini adalah orang2 yang berasal dari Durian Daun. Diketuai oleh seorang Penghulu yang bernama orang kaya Rahmat.