Note: This article was started Thursday 24 Jan but could only be posted Friday 25 Jan because half of the pictures couldn't be uploaded then due to some connection problem. Still, if last night (24 Jan) it was started late, the continuation tonight (25 Jan) is also done late as I've just completed a round trip in Perak covering a distance of more than 260km visiting the tombs of 10 Sultans, tombs of many more noteworthy person of noble birth including the famous olden warrior Megat Terawis and a number of old mosque.
Wadah tambahan kepada blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" dan "Berpetualang ke Aceh", khusus untuk berkongsi pandangan mengenai seni Melayu terutama senibina lama. An extension to the blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" (Malay) and "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (English), specifically to share views on Malay art especially old architecture.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Masjid unik di (Unique mosque at) Sidam Kiri, Sungai Petani, Kedah...
Note: This article was started Thursday 24 Jan but could only be posted Friday 25 Jan because half of the pictures couldn't be uploaded then due to some connection problem. Still, if last night (24 Jan) it was started late, the continuation tonight (25 Jan) is also done late as I've just completed a round trip in Perak covering a distance of more than 260km visiting the tombs of 10 Sultans, tombs of many more noteworthy person of noble birth including the famous olden warrior Megat Terawis and a number of old mosque.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Makam (tomb of) Daeng Parani
Greetings all. I'm currently in Kedah, lodging at a friend's place in Kampung Ruat, Yan. Yesterday, I had the time to visit the tomb of a famous 18th Century Malay Bugis warrior called Daeng Parani in Sungai Petani. So today I feel like breaking the recent pattern of story-telling about tombs and places in Johor... Do accept a pictorial story on the tomb of Daeng Parani. Come...
Sebenarnya saya ingin menziarahi makam ini sejak tahu tentang kewujudannya beberapa bulan lalu. Sepatutnya saya turut hadir sama pada acara perasmian makam ini penghujung tahun 2007 tetapi saya perlu berada di Muar, Johor ketika itu, lebih kurang 500km ke selatan...
Actually I wanted to visit this tomb since learning about its existence a few months ago. By right, I should have attended the ceremony to officiate the tomb at the end of 2007 but I had to be in Muar, Johor then, some 500km down south...
Kewujudan makam ini telah lama diketahui oleh beberapa pihak. Tetapi cuma baru-baru ini ia diiktiraf sebagai makam milik Daeng Parani, bukan orang lain... Lalu sebuah majlis telah diadakan untuk mewar-warkannya, satu majlis besar yang dihadiri ramai anak cucu keturunan Daeng Parani, juga lain-lain terutama mereka yang memiliki titisan darah anak-anak Raja Bugis.
The existence of the tomb was long known by some parties. But it's just recently then it is officially acknowledged as belonging to Daeng Parani, not someone else... So a ceremony was held to announce the news, a big function attended by many descendants of Daeng Parani, also others especially those with the blood of Bugis princes.
Apapun, saya akhirnya sampai juga. Di papan tanda ini dinyatakan bahawa Daeng Parani adalah anak kepada Opu Tendriburang Daeng Rilaga, anak kepada Lamaddusalat, Raja Bugis di negeri Luwuk. Oh... Usah pedulikan ejaan Daeng menjadi Dahing atau apa-apa ejaan yang berbeza. Yang penting isinya sama. Saya lebih selesa menggunakan ejaan Daeng yang selalu menandakan pahlawan Bugis yang berdarah raja...
Whatever, at last I'm here. The signboard here says that Daeng Parani is son of Opu Tendriburang Daeng Rilaga, son of Lamadussalat the Bugis king of the state of Luwuk. Oh... Never mind the spelling Daeng becoming Dahing or any other different spelling. What's important the gist is the same. I'm more comfortable using the spelling Daeng which often signifies a Bugis warrior of royal descent...
Daeng Parani datang ke Tanah Melayu sebelah sini (maaf, saya gunakan perkataan "sebelah sini" kerana pada saya Kepulauan Bugis di Sulawesi juga adalah termasuk di dalam lingkungan Tanah Melayu) bersama adik-adiknya Daeng Merewah, Daeng Menambun, Daeng Kemasi dan Daeng Chelak. Lima orang adik-beradik anak Raja Bugis ini sangat berpengaruh dalam mencorakkan suasana dan budaya politik Tanah Melayu abad ke 18.
Daeng Parani came to this parts of the Malay lands (sorry, I used the words "this parts" because for me the Bugis islands in Sulawesi is within the boundaries of the Malay lands) along with younger brothers Daeng Merewah, Daeng Menambun, Daeng Kemasi and Daeng Chelak. The five brothers and Bugis princes were very influential in shaping the political scene and culture of 18th Century Malay lands.
Papantanda ini turut menyatakan mereka sebagai berasal daripada keturunan seorang raja perempuan Bugis yang dikenali sebagai Siti Malengkek. Raja ini pula dikatakan berasal daripada keturunan Ratu Balqis yang mengahwini Nabi Sulaiman AS!
The signboard also mentioned them as being descendants of a Bugis female ruler known as Siti Malengkek. In turn, the ruler is said to be a descendant of Queen Balqis (the Biblical Queen of Sheba) who married the Prophet Solomon!
Keberanian, kepahlawan serta pengaruh kekuasaan lima beradik anak Raja Bugis ini sangat terkenal di bumi sebelah sini. Dan sebagai abang sulung, Daeng Parani merupakan ketua yang merangka setiap pembabitan mereka dalam apa-apa hal di Tanah Melayu termasuk peperangan dan pentadbiran...
The bravery, chivalry and the powerful influence of the five Bugis princes are very well-known in this part of the world. And as the eldest brother, Daeng Parani was the leader who planned their every involvement in anything in the Malay lands including war and administration...
Penanda yang terletak betul-betul di kawasan kepala makam ini pula menyebut petikan daripada sejarah kerajaan Mempawah di Pulau Borneo di mana Daeng Parani juga digelar sebagai Perajurit Agung Sastra Johon (rasanya Johan) Pahlawan... Sayangnya baginda mangkat lebih awal daripada adinda-adindanya apabila terkena peluru meriam dalam satu peperangan di Kedah... Kalau tidak, kemungkinan besar baginda juga menjadi raja dan pemerintah negeri sepertimana adinda-adindanya....
This plaque right at the head of the tomb quotes a verse from the history of the kingdom of Mempawah in Borneo island where Daeng Parani was called Perajurit Agung Sastra Johon Pahlawan (as far as I can understand, it could be literally translated as The Great Soldier Champion Warrior or something)... Too bad, he died earlier than his younger brothers... Otherwise, most probably he would have become a king and ruler just like his brothers...
The head gravestone...
Tertera nama dan tahun kemangkatan baginda. Hmm... Kalau difikirkan sekali lagi, sebenarnya cerita Makam Daeng Parani ini masih ada kena-mengena dengan cerita makam-makam di Johor yang dibuat sebelum ini iaitu Makam (tomb of ) Bendahara Tun Habab , Makam (tomb of) Sultan Mahmud Mangkat DiJulang dan Makam (tomb) of Laksamana Bentan . Ini kerana selepas kenaikan anak kepada Bendahara Tun Habab sebagai Raja Johor baru bergelar Sultan Abdul Jalil IV akibat kemangkatan Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang di tangan Laksamana Bentan, muncul seorang anak raja yang dikenali sebagai Raja Kecil mengaku dirinya adalah anak Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang.
Inscribed there is his name and year of demise. Hmm... Come to think of it, actually the story of the tomb of Daeng Parani is still related to the story of the tombs in Johor made before this, that is Makam (tomb of ) Bendahara Tun Habab , Makam (tomb of) Sultan Mahmud Mangkat DiJulang and Makam (tomb) of Laksamana Bentan . This is because after the son of Bendahara Tun Habab was raised as the king of Johor known as Sultan Abdul Jalil IV due to the death of Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang in the hands of Laksamana Bentan, there came a prince known as Raja Kecil claiming to be the son of Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang.
Lalu Raja Kecil yang menuntut takhta Johor telah menyerang dan menjatuhkan Sultan Abdul Jalil. Anak Bendahara ini telah mendapatkan pertolongan anak-anak Raja Bugis untuk mengembalikannya ke atas takhta. Maka muncullah Daeng Parani dan adik-adiknya menyerang dan berjaya mengalahkan Raja Kecil. Pertolongan anak-anak Raja Bugis telah menyebabkan mereka diberi jawatan pemerintahan kedua tertinggi dalam Johor dan jajahan takluknya iaitu jawatan Yam Tuan Riau. Sekian! :]
So Raja Kecil who demanded the throne of Johor attacked and toppled Sultan Abdul Jalil. This Bendahara son then enlisted the help of the Bugis princes to recover the throne. There came Daeng Parani and his younger brothers attacking and succesfully defeating Raja Kecil. The help of the Bugis princes earned them the second highest ruling position in Johor and its colonies, that is the post of Yam Tuan (the overlord of) Riau. That's all! :]