Friday, December 09, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Yayasan Zending, Medan

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Perjuangan '45.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Perjuangan '45.

Kami menutup hari dengan singgah di sini, Masjid Yayasan Zending.
We closed the day by stopping by here, the mosque of Yayasan (foundation of) Zending.

Letaknya kira-kira 1 km dari Masjid Raya Al-Mashun.
Its location is about 1 km from the Masjid Raya (main mosque) of Al-Mashun.

Mari ke dalam.
Let us go inside.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Section under the roof.

Front-most section.

Masjid (Mosque of) Perjuangan '45

Bersambung dari Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Jalan Sungai Deli.
Continued from Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Jalan Sungai Deli.

Satu lagi masjid yang kami lawati di Medan ialah ini.
One more mosque we visited in Medan was this.

Ia diberi nama Masjid Perjuangan '45 merujuk kepada perjuangan Indonesia mendapatkan kemerdekaan dari pemerintahan Belanda tahun 1945.
It was given the name Masjid (mosque of) Perjuangan (literarily the fight or struggle for a cause) '45 referring to the Indonesian struggle to gain independence from Dutch rule in the year 1945.

Bangunan utama.
Main building.

Menara azan.
Call to prayer tower.

Mari lihat ke dalam.
Let us look inside.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Section under the roof.

Front-most section.

Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Jalan Sungai Deli

Bersambung dari Masjid Agung (Great mosque of) Sumatera Utara.
Continued from Masjid Agung (Great mosque of) Sumatera Utara.

Keluar sedikit dari pusat bandaraya Medan terdapat masjid ini.
Getting out a bit from Medan city centre there lies this mosque.

Ia adalah Masjid Jamek Jalan Sungai Deli.
It is the Masjid Jamek (main mosque) of Jalan Sungai Deli.

Perkarangan masjid ini kiri dan kanan penuh dengan kubur.
The compound of the mosque left and right is full of graves.

Masjid ini terpahat dalam kenangan kerana saya pernah menumpang tidur satu malam tahun 2004.
This mosque is etched in my memory as I once bunked for a night in the year 2004.

Ya! Saya menumpang bermalam seorang diri... tetapi bukan di dalam sebaliknya di luar tepi!
Yes! I bunked for a night alone... but not inside but instead outside this side.

Sekarang mari lihat ke dalam.
Now let us look inside.

Ada beduk di satu sisi.
There's a beduk (traditional drum used to mark certain events) at one side.

Menuju ke dewan solat.
Heading for the prayer hall.

Mihrab dan mimbar.
The front-most section and the pulpit.

Masjid Agung (Great mosque of) Sumatera Utara

Bersambung dari Istana (Palace of Maimon).
Continued from Istana (Palace of Maimon).

Destinasi kami seterusnya adalah masjid yang terletak di kawasan ekslusif Medan ini.
Our destination next is this mosque situated in an exclusive area of Medan.

Menaranya terletak agak jauh dari bangunan utama.
Its tower is situated rather far from the main building.

Selamat datang ke Masjid Agung Sumatera Utara.
Welcome to the Masjid Agung (great mosque of) Sumatera Utara.

Untuk pengetahuan Indonesia terbahagi kepada beberapa wilayah yang dipanggil propinsi, setiap satu seperti sebuah negeri di Malaysia. Bandaraya Medan terletak di dalam propinsi Sumatera Utara dan ini kiranya masjid negeri.
For information Indonesia is divided into a number of regions called propinsi (province), each of it is like a state in Malaysia. The city of Medan is situated within the province of Sumatera Utara and this could be considered the state mosque.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Bahagian bawah kubah.
Section under the roof.

Lihat ke hadapan...
Looking on ahead...

The pulpit.

Front-most section.

Istana (Palace) of Maimon

Bersambung dari Meriam puntung (The split up cannon).
Continued from Meriam puntung (The split up cannon).

Puas melihat Meriam Puntung kami pun menghampiri Istana Maimon.
Satisfied after seeing the split up cannon we then approached Istana (palace of) Maimon.

Ia adalah istana keSultanan Deli yang menjadi kebanggaan warga Medan.
It is the palace of the Deli Sultanate (kingdom) which is a pride of the people of Medan.

Istana ini dibangunkan tahun 1888. Ketika itu Deli sudah menjadi jajahan takluk Belanda.
The palace was built in the year 1888. At the time Deli was already a colonial territory of the Dutch.

Selepas jajahan takluk Belanda merdeka untuk membentuk negara Indonesia 1945, keSultanan Deli terserap ke dalamnya. Taraf Sultan kemudian diturunkan menjadi lambang adat sahaja. Selepas beberapa lama istana pula dijadikan muzium.
After the colonies of the Dutch became independent to form the nation of Indonesia 1945, the Sultanate of Deli was absorbed inside it. The status of the Sultan (ruler) was then demoted to become just a cultural symbol. After a time the palace in turn was turned into a museum.

Sekarang sesiapa sahaja boleh masuk untuk melihat isinya. Cukup kata-kata saya ya... :]
Now anyone can go in to see what's inside. Enough of my words ya... :]

Meriam puntung (The split up cannon)

Bersambung dari Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Hassan Maksum.
Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Hassan Maksum.

Seterusnya kami ke Istana Maimon. Di perkarangannya terdapat satu bangunan seperti bangsal.
Next we went to Istana (palace of Maimon). At its compound lies a building like a shed.

Di dalamnya terdapat satu objek yang dipanggil Meriam Puntung. Baca maklumat yang ada.
Inside it lies an object called the Meriam Puntung (literarily the split up cannon). Read the information available.

Mari masuk ke dalam.
Let us go inside.

Inilah Meriam Puntung.
This is the split up cannon.