Thursday, March 08, 2012

Makam Raja-raja Kampung Pande (Tombs of the kings of Kampung Pande)

Turut terdapat berdekatan adalah makam Raja-raja Kampung Pande.
Also available nearby are the tombs of the kings of Kampung Pande.

Ia sebenarnya makam raja-raja yang pernah memerintah Aceh lama berserta kerabat. Tetapi lokasi di Kampung Pande menyebabkan ia dipanggil makam raja-raja situ.
It is actually the tombs of the kings who ruled old Aceh along with kith and kins. But its location at Kampung (village of) Pande is what caused it to be called the tombs of the kings there.

Difahamkan di sini terletak makam raja terawal yang memerintah Aceh, Sultan Alauddin Johan Syah ibni Meurah Adi Genali 1215-1233 Masihi gitu.
It is understood here lies the tomb of the earliest king who ruled Aceh, Sultan Alauddin Johan Syah ibni (son of) Meurah Adi Genali around 1215-1233 AD.

Kalau tak silap ingatan Kampung Pande adalah pusat kerajaan yang dipanggil Kandang Aceh.
If my memory is not mistaken Kampung Pande was the centre of government called Kandang Aceh.

Inskripsi yang terdapat di batu nesan menceritakan sedikit keberadaan kerajaan itu.
The inscriptions available on the tombstones tells a bit about the existence of that kingdom.

Kalau tak salah ada disebut, bangunan asal Masjid Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh dibina seawal abad ke 13 Masihi. Lihat Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Baiturrahman, Aceh.
If not mistaken it is mentioned, the original building of Masjid (mosque of) Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh was built as early as the 13th century. Look at Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Baiturrahman, Aceh.

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