Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Masjid (Mosque of) Tok Ku Tuan Besar

Seterusnya kami berkejar ke Masjid Tok Ku Tuan Besar.
Next we rushed to the mosque of Tok Ku Tuan Besar.

Masjid ini diberi nama sempena Tok Ku Tuan Besar, ayahanda kepada ulamak bertaraf wali terkenal di Terengganu penghujung abad ke 19 Masihi iaitu Tok Ku Paloh.
This mosque was given name after Tok Ku Tuan Besar, father to the famous religious master of saintly status in Terengganu end of the 19th century AD which is Tok Ku Paloh.

Dahulu saya pernah membuat artikel bertajuk Masjid Tokku Tuan Besar dan makam-makam di belakangnya (The mosque of Tokku Tuan Besar and the tombs behind it). Tetapi saya cuma meletakkan satu gambar masjid, yang lain semuanya gambar makam.
Before I have made an article titled Masjid Tokku Tuan Besar dan makam-makam di belakangnya (The mosque of Tokku Tuan Besar and the tombs behind it). But I only put a picture of the mosque, the rest are all pictures of tombs.

Sekarang baru saya tergerak untuk menyerlahkan masjid yang dibina tahun 1847 ini.
Now only am I moved to highlight this mosque which was built in 1847.

Dewan solat.
Praying hall.

Front-most section.

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