Friday, June 08, 2012

Makam-makam lain di Ampel (Other tombs in Ampel)

Bersambung dari Makam (Tomb of) Sunan Ampel.
Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Sunan Ampel.

Sekitar makam Sunan Ampel terdapat banyak lagi makam.
Around the tomb of Sunan Ampel there exists many more tombs.

Antara yang paling terserlah adalah makam Shonhaji atau Mbah Bolong, seorang pengikut Sunan Ampel yang pernah ditugaskan untuk menentukan arah kiblat untuk masjid sini.
Among the most outstanding is the tomb of Shonhaji or Mbah Bolong, a follower of Sunan Ampel who was once given the task of determining the direction for prayers for the mosque here.

Kemudian ada makam Kyai Asyari. Tapi saya tak tahu siapa dia.
Then there's the tomb of Kyai Asyari. But I don't know who is he.

Ada juga makam-makam moden milik sejumlah jemaah haji yang terkorban akibat pesawat mereka  terhempas...
There's also modern tombs of a number of pilgrims (to Mecca) who were sacrified when their airplane crashed.

Berbalik pada zaman Sunan Ampel, ada petilasan iaitu makam singgah Sunan Kalijaga, seorang lagi Wali Songo.
Returning to the time of Sunan Ampel, there's the petilasan which is a mock tomb marking the place of visit of Sunan Kalijaga, another Wali Songo (nine saints of Jawa).

Pada sisi lain Masjid Agung Sunan Ampel (rujuk Masjid Agung (Great mosque of) Sunan Ampel) pula terdapat makam Mbah Sholeh.
At another side of the great mosque of Sunan Ample (refer to Masjid Agung (Great mosque of) Sunan Ampel) there exists in the turn the tomb of Mbah Sholeh.

Beliau adalah penjaga masjid yang dikatakan pernah hidup dan mati sembilan kali.
He is a mosque caretaker which is said to have lived and died nine times.

Kemudian ada makam Mbah Abdul Rahman yang saya tak tahu siapa.
Then there's the tomb of Mbah Abdul Rahman which I don't know who.

Ada juga makam seorang pahlawan nasional Indonesia bernama K.H. Mas Mansyur.
There's also the tomb of national hero of Indonesia named K.H. Mas Mansyur.

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