Bersambung dari Masjid
Agung (Great mosque of) Sunan Ampel.
Continued from Masjid
Agung (Great mosque of) Sunan Ampel.
Dari masjid kami ke tempat ini.
From the mosque we went to this place.
Ia adalah kawasan makam Sunan Ampel, nama sebenarnya Raden Ahmad Rahmatullah.
It is the tomb area of Sunan Ampel, his real name Raden Ahmad Rahmatullah.
Untuk sampai ke makam perlu melepasi beberapa pintu.
To reach the tomb one has to pass a number of gates.
Mengikut ceritanya Sunan Ampel dilahir di Champa, Indo-China tahun 1401 Masihi. Tetapi ada yang kata Champa itu merujuk kepada tempat bernama Jeumpa di Aceh.
According to the stories Sunan Ampel was born in Champa, Indo-China in the year 1401 AD. But there are those who say that Champa refers to a place called Jeumpa in Aceh.
Beliau berketurunan Arab sedangkan ibunya berketurunan Champa. Melalui ibunya Sunan Ampel dikatakan anak saudara kepada Putri Champa, permaisuri kepada Prabu Wijaya, raja Majapahit.
He is of Arab descent while his mother is of Champa descend. Through his mother Sunan Ampel is said to be a nephew of Putri Champa (literarily the Champa princess), queen to Prabu Wiaya, the king of Majapahit.
Pulau Jawa berada di bawah pemerintahan Majapahit. Perhubungan dengan raja memberi ruang untuk beliau mengembangkan Islam. Pendakwah bertaraf wali ini memilih Ampel sebagai pusat lalu dikenali sebagai Sunan Ampel. Makam beliau kelihatan berkain putih di tengah...
The island of Jawa was under Majapahit rule. Relationship with the king allowed him to spread Islam. This missionary of saintly status chose Ampel as the centre and thus became known as Sunan Ampel. His tomb could be seen in white clothes at the centre...