Monday, April 29, 2013

Tapak perang Uhud (Site of the battle of Uhud)

Bersambung dari Masjid (Mosque of) Quba.
Continued from Masjid (Mosque of) Quba.

Seterusnya kami pergi ke tempat bernama Uhud di mana terdapat satu banjaran bukit besar yang dipanggil Jabal Uhud.
Next we went to a place called Uhud where lies a big hill range called Jabal (hill of) Uhud.

Ia adalah tapak perang Uhud, perang kedua dalam sejarah Islam melawan pihak kafir Quraish dari Mekah.
It is the site of the battle of Uhud, the second battle in Islam fighting the party of unbelieving Quraish (a famous tribe) from Mecca.

Di tapak peperangan terdapat makam sejumlah pejuang Islam yang mati syahid, dalam kawasan bertembok.
At the battle site there lies the tombs of a number of Muslim fighters who died martyred, within a walled area.

Lagi ke selatan terdapat bukit kecil tempat pemanah Islam pernah ditempatkan. Lihat artikel Views from the archer's hill at Uhud di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH..
Further to the south there is a small hill where Muslim archers were placed. Look at the article Views from the archer's hill at Uhud in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.

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