Thursday, March 05, 2015

Rumah (House of) Teungku Chik di Reubee

Ini pula adalah rumah bangsawan yang dipanggil Teungku Chik di Reubee.
This in turn is house of the noble called Teungku Chik di Reubee.

Ia adalah gelaran untuk ulamak utama di daerah ini suatu masa dahulu.
It is the title of the main religious master of this district once upon a time.

Saya diberitahu di sinilah ulamak besar berdarah raja bernama Daeng Mansur pernah menetap 400 tahun lalu. Rujuk artikel lama Makam (Tomb of) Teungku Chik di Reubee Daeng Mansur.
I was told this is where the major religious master of royal blood called Daeng Mansur used to stay at 400 years ago. Refer to the old article Makam (Tomb of) Teungku Chik di Reubee Daeng Mansur.

Cuma bangunan asal telah digantikan dengan binaan sekarang yang berusia sekitar 100 tahun. Sukacita dimaklumkan artikel ini menjadi yang ke 1,400 di blogspot ini.
It's just that the original building has been replaced by the present one which is around 100 years old. Pleased to announce that this article becomes the 1,400th in this blogspot.

Sebuah lagi rumah bangsawan di Reubee (Another house of noble in Reubee)

Rumah seterusnya dilawati adalah milik seorang saudara kepada Raja Husin.
The next house visited belongs to a relative of Raja Husin.

Saya tidak ingat siapakah nama saudara tersebut.
I can't remember what is the name of the said relative.

Rumah ini sarat dengan ukiran cantik...
This house is full of beautiful carvings...

Untuk makluman ini adalah artikel ke-1399 di blogspot ini.
For the record this is the 1399th article in this blogspot.

Rumah (House of) Teungku Raja Husin, Reubee

Petang itu kami berjumpa beberapa orang kawan di Pidie. Mereka kemudian membawa kami ke satu daerah pendalaman bernama Reubee untuk melihat beberapa rumah tradisional  lama.
That afternoon we met a number of friends at Pidie. They then brought us to a rural district called Reubee to look at some old traditional houses.

Rumah-rumah tersebut adalah milik bangsawan tempatan. Ia diwarisi anak cucu mereka.
The said houses were owned by the local nobles. It is inherited by their descendants.

Yang ini milik Teungku Raja Husin.
This one belongs to Teungku Raja Husin.

Saya diberitahu beliau memerintah daerah sekitar 100 tahun lalu.
I was told he ruled the surrounding area 100 years ago.

Makam (Tomb of) Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Shah

Masuk hari ke-5 perjalanan di Aceh 13-19 Feb...
Entering the 5th day of the 13-19 Feb Aceh trip...

Selasa 17 Februari 2015. Saya dan beberapa orang kawan anak tempatan Aceh menghala ke selatan keluar Banda Aceh lalu singgah ke makam ini.
Tuesday 17th February 2015. Me and a few Aceh local friends headed to the south out of Banda Aceh and stopped by this tomb.

Ia adalah makam Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Shah yang memerintah Aceh 1870-1874.
It is the tomb of Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Shah who ruled Aceh 1870-1874.

Semasa baginda memerintah Aceh diserang Belanda bermula 1873. Setelah beberapa lama pusat pemerintahan iaitu Banda Aceh ditawan penceroboh itu.
When his majesty ruled Aceh was attacked by the Dutch starting 1873. After some time the centre of rule which is Banda Aceh was occupied by the invaders.

Ini memaksa baginda dan orang-orangnya keluar lalu meneruskan perlawanan dari kawasan pendalaman.
This forced his majesty and his men to get out and continued the fight from the rural area.

Baginda dikatakan mangkat akibat taun 28 Januari 1874 lalu disemadikan di sini.
His majesty is said to have passed away due to cholera 28th January 1874 and so put to rest here.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Makam-makam lama (Old tombs at) Lambhuk

Sebelum hari gelap saya dibawa ke satu  kawasan makam lama tidak jauh daripada Ulee Kareng.
Before it becomes dark I was brought to a tomb area not far from Ulee Kareng,

Kawasan sekitar dipanggil Lambhuk.
The area around is called Lambhuk.

Makam-makam di sini nampak sangat tua, mungkin berusia lebih 500 tahun.
The tombs here looks very old, maybe aged more than 500 years.

Makam di hadapan masjid tua Ulee Kareng (Tomb in front of old mosque of Ulee Kareng)

Di hadapan masjid ada tanah perkuburan dengan sebuah makam kelihatan terserlah.
In front of the mosque there is a burial area with a tomb which looks outstanding.

Saya tidak tahu ia makam siapa. Cuma ia kelihatan seperti milik seorang ulamak berwibawa.
I don't know to whom it belongs to. It's just it looks like belonging to a religious master of some repute.

Masjid tua (Old mosque of) Ulee Kareng

Kembali ke Banda Aceh saya dibawa singgah ke masjid tua di Ulee Kareng.
Returning back to Banda Aceh I was brought to visit the old mosque at Ulee Kareng.

Masjid ini memiliki banyak ukiran menarik.
This mosque has many interesting carvings.

Sedikit sebanyak ia mengingatkan saya pada sebuah masjid tua 40 km ke selatan Banda Aceh. Lihat artikel lama Masjid (mosque of) Indrapuri....
More or less it reminds me on an old mosque 40 km south of Banda Aceh. Look at the old article Masjid (mosque of) Indrapuri....

Cuma masjid ini lebih kecil tetapi ukirannya lebih banyak...
It's just that this mosque is smaller but has more carvings...

Surau di (Small praying hall at) Dayah Darul Muta'allimin

Ini pula adalah surau di Dayah Darul Muta'allimin.
This in turn is the surau (small praying hall) at Dayah Darul Muta'allimin.

Sebetulnya saya tak pasti apakah ini masjid ataupun surau. Mari lihat ke dalam...
Actually I am not sure if this is a mosque or a surau. Let's look inside...